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Whiteside Roundover Bits


Aside from straight bits, roundover bits are by far the most common router bits that woodworkers need. Most cabinets and furniture employ some edge easing in their design to brake the sharp edge left by saws

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Whiteside roundover bits can serve double duty as beading bits by simply replacing the ½” guide bearing with a 3/8” bearing. This will result in a 1/16” step in the vertical surface of your work piece. A step can be created in the horizontal surface by simply changing the depth of the bit.

Whiteside Router Bits attention to quality of materials and expert brazing and grinding technologies has made them an furniture industry favorite since the early 70's.

Each router bit can cut both roundover or beading profiles. Extra thick carbide, perfect weld,

Beading bearings will yield a 1/16” bead (or step) in the vertical face of your stock. By setting your bit depth, you can control the presence or depth of the bead in the horizontal surface.