The PRP-2 options all feature our 24" x 32" Solid Phenolic Router Table Top. All include the SF-PRO Fence, Adjustable Router Stand, Wheel Kit and Downdraft Dust Cabinet with FullThrottle Blast Gate. Next, choose between precision-ground steel or aluminum for the plate of your router lift.
Our steel plate lifts provide the ultimate in wear resistance and add mass to your system. The aluminum plate lifts offer corrosion resistance and weigh less if you remove your router frequently.
Premium Router Table Package PRP-2

Both QuickLifts include our patented fast adjustment feature along with a convenient micro-adjustment crank. When changing bits, use the spring-assisted QuickLift wrench to instantly lift the collet above the table. Then, just as quickly, lower the router to rough position. Now drop in the crank and dial in precise bit position with a 32-pitch lead-screw and easy-to-read rotary scale.