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Amazakoue 10 Board Foot Packs

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We’ve selected premium samples of Amazakoue for this special 10BF pack offer. Each pack consists of boards that are 4” to 6” wide, 48” long, and surfaced to 15/16” (not surfaced on all 4 sides).

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Amazakoue 10 Board Foot Pack Amazakoue 10 Board Foot Pack SKU: AMAZAKOUE10BF

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Special Price $189.99 Regular Price $299.99

Get started on your next masterpiece with 10 Board Foot Packs of Amazakoue.

Amazakoue (Guibourtia ehie), known for its attractive appearance and durability, has varying shades of yellowish to reddish brown with darker brown, gray, or black stripes. It's a fairly easy wood to work with similarities to Bubinga in both grain and figure. Amazakoue has been commonly used in furniture, cabinetry, turning, and musical instruments. When used in guitars, it’s most commonly referred to as Ovangkol. The wood turns, glues and finishes well.

Wood is a natural product, and pieces may vary slightly. Due to wood movement, shrinkage, and expansion, please measure each piece carefully.  Dimensioned within +/-1/8” of size listed.


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Country of Manufacture Congo - Kinshasa